We are interested in simulating cardiovascular flows for non-invasive diagnosis of the disease, optimizing biomedical devices and artificial organs, or virtual surgery to guide surgical procedures on a patient-specific basis. Such flows are typically pulsatile with periodic transition to turbulence, non-Newtonian (in small arteries), flowing in complex blood vessel geometries with multiple branching, wide range of scale (form artery- to cell-scale) and non-linear fluid-structure interaction. Therefore, we are interested in developing a multi-scale approach to go from the artery-scale to cell-scale and directly calculate the stresses imposed on the cells by the artery-scale flow. Furthermore, the suspension of deformable blood cells can change the rheological properties of the bulk artery-scale flow. The fluid-structure interaction (FSI) is present in the interaction of elastic arteries/valves as well as deformable cells with the flow.